The IR2200 handheld near-infrared spectrum analyzer is a newly launched analytical equipment for on-..
IR2100 is an online near-infrared full spectrum detection and analysis instrument developed by Webpe..
IR1000-D is a Non-contact Diffuse Reflection measurement of powder samples For laboratory ..
IR1000-F is a Reflection measurement for solid samples with Handheld reflection probe, equ..
IR1000-M is a Liquid transmission measurement with the external temperature module heating..
IR1000-Pro is a FT-NIR process spectrometer for reaction monitoring and control, spec..
IR1000-S is a reliable solid diffuse reflection measurements with integrating spherehigh w..
IR1600-DF is a Compact FT-NIR spectrometer suitable for industrial use. The spectrometer t..
IR1600-T is a laboratory-grade FT-NIR spectromter for liquid samples at constant temperatu..
IR1600-TS is a Dual-Channel measurements of liquid Transmission and solid d..
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